Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Operation Cow : EXPOSED!

[while doing research on the DelGro cows and how to procure one, i stumbled upon this blog. Apparently this has been tried, and failed. But i think we can learn a few things from this blogger's experience.]

2 nights ago, Mo and I tried to steal a cow.
For those of you fortunate enough to be in some other part of the world, Comfort Delgro has planted wooden cows all over various plots of grass fields as part of some advertising campaign.

10.10pm: Mo and I arrive at Laurelwood Avenue along Sixth Avenue.
10:11pm: We get out and compare the size of the car door against ourselves. We figure the cow looks smaller than it is.
10.13pm: Climbed over railing, crawled and trudged through the grass.
10.16pm: A pink cow has been spotted. We estimate that at least the height will fit.
10.25pm: Cow is next to car.
10.26pm: Light on main road turns red. No traffic! Good time to shove cow in car
10.29pm: Cow is in car. BUT, head and tail stick out.
10.30pm: SHIT. No way I can close either door. Operation Cow FAILED.
10.32pm: Cow is out of car.
10.40pm: Cow is back to grass field.

Tip: Don't bother trying unless your car/lorry/van is bigger than the E class. A convertible might work better.


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