the sacrifice
our finances are in the doldrums. no correction. we do not have any finances at all. and from the looks of it we are unlikely to get any. so here's the plan. i make a deal with the divine powers out there. i'll offer my favourite trips to hawker centres, coffeeshops and small eateries by the roadside as a sacrifice in return for the abdomination in the form of a sliver spoon in my mouth and condemn myself to fine dining for the rest of my life. i'll even throw in all the unhappiness, tears, compromises, fatigue from having to work and worries resulting from situations in which im faced with a dire lack of money or when family finances threaten to go down on me. i'll give up humble lodging for landed multi-storey opulence. oh bother, the large amounts of time spent travelling from one part of the house to another. but im willing to make the sacrifice. all i ask for is the world's sympathy. at this time, this seems to be the most plausible method of getting closer to our target amount. now if the rest of the litigator's would throw in their two cents worth (literally), we'll only have to worry about the remaining hundred odd bucks or so.
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