*Clears throat* May i have your attention please. If you are part of the litigation team, it is your duty to read the following and faster chop chop kalipok make a choice. If you are not part of the litigation team, then please read the following and make your donations accordingly. Tatap cannot afford to wait.
AIRFAREBeing the cheaperonis we are, we are trying to fly budget. But those sneeaaakky sneaaaakkky budget airlines, always misrepresent their prices. Upon close scrutiny of their website i have come to understand alot. Let me educate you.
Flying by
Cheapest (but least time spent there):
If we leave on Fri(6may) evening, and come back on Mon(9may) morning, we pay $121 ($38 there, $28 back, $55 airport tax)
Most expensive (but most time spent there):
If we leave on Thurs(5may) morning, and come back on Sun(8may) evening, we pay $141 ($38 there, $48 back, $55 airport tax)
These are the most optimum plans i can come up with. Dont ask me about any other dates, they either are way out of our league or dont make sense at all. Trust me, i tried every single permutation possible.
Intermediates (not so much time spent there but substantial):
Leave on thurs evening, come back sun evening - $131
Leave on thurs morning, come back sun morning - $131
Note: all the prices above are not inclusive of the sneeakkky sneakky 500baht (approx 22SGD) airport tax you have to pay just before you
leave thailand airport. So cannot shopshopshop until no more money okay, otherwise you kena stuck in bangkok.
Note note: some of you might gg the fact that, most hotels only allow check-in mid-afternoon, and you must check-out by noon. So please take that into consideration if you are the kind to gg about not being able to chiong into the hotel room once you arrive.
That is for airfare. So guys please decide which plan you want, how much you want to pay. as jack says,
$20 more, gei gao meh...Oh and melanie: i think you dont have to worry that much, i checked up on jet.star.asia, its a subsidiary of q antas and t emasek holdings so it isnt as chak chak as you think it is. Depart from terminal 1 of changi airport, and seats are assigned meaning you dont have to board the plane early to chope seats. Satisfied?
HOTEL RATESNote: All prices below are per person, for total of 3 nights, twin rooms (meaning 2 to a room so no pnf-ing). Inclusive of daily breakfast buffet (melmel take note!! You cannot oversleep and wake up late!!) and airport transfer (meaning they pick us up from airport and chauffeur us there when we have to leave)
Baiyoke.Sky.Hotel (4 stars)
http://www.baiyokehotel.com/baiyokesky/ - $132
Arnoma.Hotel (4 stars)
www.arnoma.com - $167
Amari.Watergate.Hotel (5 stars) you go and google it urself lah i cannot be bothered to find the link - $205
So how guys? Choose between comfort and location AND most importantly PRICE!!
In my opinion, arnoma's very shiok because next door theres a big hypermart and a sneaky underground market to bargain for goods. Besides down the road is mbk the shopping heaven (can easily cab there cheapcheap). Yup.
Oh yes i forget. Of course all hotels would have
business centres and computer cum internet facilities where we can correspond with our singapore counterparts in matters regarding tatap. *cough*.
In SummaryIf we take the $141 jet.star.asia. tickets, and stay at arnoma hotel, then it will cost $288 total. Should not think that this amount will be any higher due to any sneaky unforeseen costs, but guys do remember the 500baht u have to set aside for airport tax at the end of your trip!!!
AlternativeFor people who gg the fact that we are
travelling budget, here's a more expensive alternative. Package tour 4D3N with a non-budget airline (scandinavian.airlines. not bad, i've taken quite a number of times. got cute hot swedish guys (and of course babes) to drool over. extra entertainment!) at arnoma hotel. $356. (sigh..the prices just keep going up)
Yup so something for you guys to consider.
Please chop chop make a decision okay? zhiyou needs to book plane tickets (prepare money for him!!!) and we need to settle accommodation too.